Make Combobox non editable
submitted on 26/05/2017 by Codicode
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Make Combobox non editable

This is how to make the telerik kendoui Combobox non editable and programatically prevent user to enter any character in Combobox, also the user cannot paste any text in it.

If you simply need non editable kendoComboBox(), you could use kendoDropDownList() instead.

In my case i needed it to be enabled or disabled depending on user privileges, so here's the solution i came up with, this prevents key inputs and pasting values.
Framework 1 :
Framework 2 :
+ Js file(s) :
+ Css file(s) :

Link :

Direct http link :

Fork button :

Html code :

Embed preview :

Copy the following html code to your page to embed the preview,
To include many previews on a single page, just repeat the first line.
You can change the width, height and border color (bcolor).
<div class="refork-widget" code="4bd" style="width:100%;height:200px;" bcolor="#ccc"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
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