The ultimate pure CSS div center solution
submitted on 26/07/2020 by Codicode
+ infos Config Embed

The ultimate pure CSS div center solution

the ultimate css centring solution, horizentally and veretically center element inside its html parent element. using only CSS, using css grids positionning.
Framework 1 :
Framework 2 :
+ Js file(s) :
+ Css file(s) :

Link :

Direct http link :

Fork button :

Html code :

Embed preview :

Copy the following html code to your page to embed the preview,
To include many previews on a single page, just repeat the first line.
You can change the width, height and border color (bcolor).
<div class="refork-widget" code="131" style="width:100%;height:200px;" bcolor="#ccc"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
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