Text in Twitter Bootstrap NavBar
submitted on 30/04/2015 by Codicode
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Text in Twitter Bootstrap NavBar

Adding text in Twitter Bootstrap navbar.

Example showing how to add text to the navbar main bar and sub menus.
Framework 1 :
Framework 2 :
+ Js file(s) :
+ Css file(s) :

Link :

Direct http link :

Fork button :

Html code :

Embed preview :

Copy the following html code to your page to embed the preview,
To include many previews on a single page, just repeat the first line.
You can change the width, height and border color (bcolor).
<div class="refork-widget" code="0d8" style="width:100%;height:200px;" bcolor="#ccc"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//snippet.run/d/z.js"></script>
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